
COSC 2430 lab 2: Linked List as an Array and Recursion 1. Introduction You will create a C program to manage a linked list. Your program will read an input file contain a series of string and insert them into a linked list, then print out the linked list in reverse order using recursion method. The purpose of this lab is for you to practice linked list and recursion. 2. Input and Output a. Input file The input file will contain a list of string A single line can have multiple strings, or it can be empty If a line contains multiple strings, each string will be separated by a space b. Output file The printed linked list in reverse order 3. Examples input1.txt ! awesome is Joseph guess I output1.txt I guess Joseph is awesome ! input2.txt Is this sentence backward or something?

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Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 04:30
How can you know if the person or organization providing the information has the credentials and knowledge to speak on this topic? one clue is the type of web site it is--the domain name ".org" tells you that this site is run by a nonprofit organization.
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 02:50
Define a class named movie. include private fields for the title,year, and name of the director. include three public functions withprototypes void movie: : settitle(cstring); , voidmovie: : setyear(int); , void movie: : setdirector(string); . includeanother function that displays all the information about a movie.write a main() function that declares a movie object namedmyfavoritemovie. set and display the object's fields.this is what i have but know its wrong since it will notcompile: #include#includeusing namespace std; //class declarationclass movie{private: string movietitle ; string movieyear; string directorname; public: void settitle(string title); void setyear(string year); void setdirector(string director); void displayinfo(); }; //class implementationvoid movie: : settitle(string title){ movietitle = title; cout< < "what is the title of themovie? "< > temp; myfavoritemovie.settitle(temp); cout< < "enter movie year"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setyear(temp); cout< < "enter director'sname"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setdirector(temp); //display all the data myfavoritemovie.displayinfo(); system("pause"); return 0; this code is not entirely mine someone on cramster edited my firstcode but then i try manipulating the new code and i still get acompile error message : \documents\visual studio 2008\projects\movie\movie\movie.cpp(46) : error c2679: binary '< < ' : no operator found which takes aright-hand operand of type 'std: : string' (or there is no acceptableconversion)c: \program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio9.0\vc\include\ostream(653): could be'std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & std: : operator< < > (std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & ,const char *)w
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 14:40
Create a function (prob3_6) that will do the following: input a positive scalar integer x. if x is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. if the given x is even, divide it by 2. repeat this rule on the new value until you get 1, if ever. your program will output how many operations it had to perform to get to 1 and the largest number along the way. for example, start with the number 3: because 3 is odd, we multiply by 3 and add 1 giving us 10. 10 is even so we divide it by 2, giving us 5. 5 is odd so we multiply by 3 and add one, giving us 16. we divide 16 (even) by two giving 8. we divide 8 (even) by two giving 4. we divide 4 (even) by two giving 2. we divide 2 (even) by 2 to give us 1. once we have one, we stop. this example took seven operations to get to one. the largest number we had along the way was 16. every value of n that anyone has ever checked eventually leads to 1, but it is an open mathematical problem (known as the collatz conjectureopens in new tab) whether every value of n eventually leads to 1. your program should include a while loop and an if-statement.
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 15:00
Universal windows platform is designed for which windows 10 version?
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COSC 2430 lab 2: Linked List as an Array and Recursion 1. Introduction You will create a C program t...
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