World Languages, 08.12.2021 05:40 sarahjunexx

Read the following claims. The use of unassisted aircraft systems, popularly called “drones,” is banned in Yosemite National Park for the following reasons:• Drone noise can negatively affect how visitors experience the wilderness that is Yosemite.• Drones can interfere with rescue operations by distracting or confusing rescuers.• Drones can threaten the natural habitats of certain wildlife, especially falcon nests on cliffs. Which reasoning would be best for arguing against one of these claims? A. If humans are a threat to wildlife the government is trying to preserve, they should not be admitted to the park whatsoever

.B. While a true wilderness experience in America is increasingly rare, it’s not as if nature is completely without its own loud noises.

C. Drone photographers, capable of quickly covering a wide range of parkland, could be invaluable in locating lost or injured hikers.

D. Drone-based images could benefit the park system more than tourism by transmitting the park’s beauty to anyone with the Internet.


Answers: 1

Another question on World Languages

World Languages, 24.06.2019 20:50
In the following scenario, which type of troublesome language is being used? mom: aren't you going out with andrea tonight? jenna: no, her mom made her stay home to be her personal slave.
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World Languages, 25.06.2019 16:00
Omul de zapada care voia sa intalneasca soarele dupa matei visniec a) caracterizeaz - o pe randunica, folosin trei adjective
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World Languages, 26.06.2019 14:30
3reasons why choosing a watch as a gift is good
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World Languages, 26.06.2019 19:00
Enade, 2005 – adaptada) "a respeito dos estudos comparativos, a resposta de weber foi a elaboraç? o de "tipos ideais", que constituem um dispositivo generalizante, um modelo heurístico, sobre o qual era possível aplicar a comparaç? o. nas suas explicaç? es históricas comparadas, weber rejeita sempre a hipótese de leis ou de monocausalidade; ele pensa, portanto, que um evento pode ter diversas causas e que conjuntos diversos de causas podem ter o mesmo efeito. a validade das comparaç? es em weber provém das suas construç? es empíricas dos processos de induç? o e de introspecç? o mais do que de uma verificaç? o causal de hipóteses. paola rebughini. a comparaç? o qualitativa de objetos complexos e o efeito da reflexividade. in: alberto melluci (org.) por uma sociologia reflexiva: pesquisa qualitativa e cultura. petrópolis: vozes, 2005, p. 242 (com adaptaç? es)." a partir do fragmento de texto, avalie as seguintes afirmaç? es:
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Read the following claims. The use of unassisted aircraft systems, popularly called “drones,” is ban...
Mathematics, 29.04.2021 16:40
Mathematics, 29.04.2021 16:40
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