Physics, 07.04.2020 01:23 arunamvr

A light plastic cart and a heavy steel cart are pushed with forces that are equal in magnitude, starting from rest. The forces are applied for 1.0 s. after the force is removed, the momentum of the light cart is the momentum of the heavy cart.
A. greater than
B. less than
C. equal to
D. can't say- it depends on the force

I know the answer is C - equal to- but how?

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 07:30
Select all of the following that are equal to an impulse of 20 unitsa) force= 5, time= 5.5b) force= 25, time= 0.8c) force= 0.1, time= 200d) force= 10, time= 2(its b, c, and d)(also in order to find answer they have to add to get the unit)ex= 25x.8=20 or .1x200=20
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 16:00
Agroup of monkeys is trying to cross the river in a rowboat. the maximum buoyant force on the rowboat is 2,000 n. the weight of the rowboat is 1,000 n. each monkey has a weight of 150 n. how many monkeys can safely cross in the rowboat at one time? explain your reasoning, including any calculations you used to find the answer.
Answers: 1
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Answers: 1
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Should we celebrate the voyages of zheng he mini q answer key
Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
A light plastic cart and a heavy steel cart are pushed with forces that are equal in magnitude, star...
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