Physics, 14.01.2020 04:31 teresaramirezde4

What is a bright, star like object in the galaxy core

Answers: 1

Another question on Physics

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Physics, 22.06.2019 20:20
The temperature in gavin's oven is a sinusoidal function of time. gavin sets his oven so that it has a maximum temperature of 280°f and a minimum temperature of 240°. once the temperature hits 280°, it takes 20 minutes before it is 280° again. gavin's cake needs to be in the oven for 30 minutes at temperatures at or above 270°. he puts the cake into the oven when it is at 260° and rising. how long will gavin need to leave the cake in the oven? (round your answer to the nearest minute.)
Answers: 3
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What is a bright, star like object in the galaxy core...
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