Mathematics, 21.05.2020 18:00 dbhuggybearow6jng

Two tangents each intersect a circle at opposite endpoints of the same diameter. Is it possible for the two tangents to intersect each other outside the circle? Explain why or why not, using the information you learned in this lesson.

Answers: 3

Another question on Mathematics

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The graph represents the gallons of water in a water tank with respect to the number of hours since it was completely filled
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An investment decreases in value by 30% in the first year and decreases by 40% in the second year. what is the percent decrease in percentage in the investment after two years
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 22:30
Ascientist places 24 cells in a petri dish. she knows the cells grow at an exponential rate, doubling in number every hour. how long will it take (in hours) for there to be 1100 cells in the dish? time to 1100 cells: 5.51832530 hours how long will it take to reach 110 cells? time to 110 cells : 2.1963972 hours what is the average rate of change in the number of cells between 9 hours and 11 hours? average rate of change: cells per hour what is the instantaneous rate of change after 7 hours? instantaneous rate of change: cells per hour note: you can earn partial credit on this problem.
Answers: 1
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Two tangents each intersect a circle at opposite endpoints of the same diameter. Is it possible for...
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