Mathematics, 11.07.2019 23:20 Xavierayala2003

If sine theta equals three over four, what are the values of cos θ and tan θ?
cosine theta equals plus or minus square root of seven over four, tangent theta equals plus or minus two times square root of seven over seven
cosine theta equals plus or minus seven over four, tangent theta equals negative three over seven
cosine theta equals plus or minus square root of seven over 4, tangent theta equals plus or minus three over seven
cosine theta equals plus or minus seven over four, tangent theta equals negative one over seven

Answers: 3

Another question on Mathematics

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Here is another math questions. i will keep asking different questions. 4^2x=6
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
If sine theta equals three over four, what are the values of cos θ and tan θ?
cosine theta eq...
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