History, 27.09.2019 11:50 bri9263

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."—declaration of independence under what principle of government do the people have the right described in this quote?

Answers: 2

Another question on History

History, 20.06.2019 18:02
Use the graphic organizer below to answer the following question: a diagram showing two circles overlapping. the first circle is labeled patricians, the second circle is labeled plebeians. which of these belongs in the region where the circles overlap in this diagram?
Answers: 3
History, 20.06.2019 18:04
Why did warren g. harding win the election of 1920
Answers: 1
History, 21.06.2019 22:30
Where were the trials to review evidence in cases against high-ranking nazi officials accused of war crimes held?
Answers: 1
History, 21.06.2019 22:30
How is the president involved in the process of bills becoming laws?
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the peopl...
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