History, 05.11.2019 01:31 skylastrusz7643

The issue of cities offering cash incentives to lure sports teams from other cities is only thoe tip of the iceberg when it comes to city competition for business. bringing in lucrative businesses provides city coffers with new sources of tax revenue while providing jobs to citizens. corporations take these cash incentives to net a greater profit. of course, in taking thes deals the cities left behind suffer financially while a significant number of its citizens find themselves out of work. is it right to offer financial deals and special incentives to some companies or sports teams despite the fact that these cities are hurting their fellow americans? is it right that businesses take these deals, or do they have the right to gain the highest possible profit at the lowest possible cost? explain.

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The issue of cities offering cash incentives to lure sports teams from other cities is only thoe tip...
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