English, 08.09.2021 03:30 boomerjm

Whoever get this questions right will be rewarded with 5 stars and a shiny crown. 1.How do you approach an academic essay?
2.What is the structure of academic essay?
3.What is a thesis statement
4.What is a roadmap?​

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 22.06.2019 01:30
Welcome to the vocabulary assessment. by connecting with words in a more interactive way, through a graphic organizer that includes your own ideas, we hope you will learn new vocabulary strategies to integrate into your course work and your everyday life. objectives: use a variety of techniques to acquire a range of words determine, clarify, and illustrate the meaning of unfamiliar words to ensure that you properly and successfully complete the vocabulary assessment, do the following: complete the assessment using the passage provided. select a word from the passage, and identify/create each of the following for that word: denotation connotations synonyms antonyms affixes the sentence from the passage where the word appears an original sentence using the word a memory trick type your responses in the appropriate boxes. after you have typed your responses, print your graphic organizer and submit it to your teacher. be careful not to refresh the page before printing, as some browsers will not save your work. passage from "the pit and the pendulum" by edgar allan poe very suddenly there came back to my soul motion and sound—the tumultuous motion of the heart, and in my ears the sound of its beating. then a pause in which all is blank. then again sound, and motion, and touch, a tingling sensation pervading my frame. then the mere consciousness of existence, without thought, a condition which lasted long. then, very suddenly, thought, and shuddering terror, and earnest endeavor to comprehend my true state. then a strong desire to lapse into insensibility. then a rushing revival of soul and a successful effort to move. and now a full memory of the trial, of the judges, of the sable draperies, of the sentence, of the sickness, of the swoon. then entire forgetfulness of all that followed; of all that a later day and much earnestness of endeavor have enabled me vaguely to recall.
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 05:00
Plz hurry the graph below shows the distances, in miles, that a dragonfly can travel in a certain number of hours: a graph titled motion of a dragonfly shows time in hours on the x axis and distance in miles on the y axis. the scale on the x axis shows number from 0 to 10 at increments of 2 and on the y axis the numbers are shown from 0 to 250 at increments of 50. a straight line joins the ordered pairs 0, 0 and 2, 50 and 4, 100 and 6, 150 based on the graph, what is the dependent variable, the equation relating the two variables, and how far will the dragonfly travel in 24 hours if it continues to fly at the same speed?
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 05:40
Can someone “think of a time you overcame a challenge or obstacle. describe the experience in two or three sentences”
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 05:50
Why does koskoosh give up his fight with the wolves
Answers: 1
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Whoever get this questions right will be rewarded with 5 stars and a shiny crown. 1.How do you app...
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