English, 15.06.2021 01:00 Karxra

Hat is the theme that is developed in the passage? A. It is important to remain hopeful despite current
B. A well built home will solve all of life's problems.
C. Children are too young to be impacted by hardships.
D. Being a good friend means opening your home to

Answers: 3

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 14:30
How do the thieves respond when jonathans family begins to yell in the story civil peace by chinua achebe
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English, 22.06.2019 02:30
Awell-worded thesis statement is both and generally acceptable . . broad agreeable . . limited significant . . limited significant . . broa
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English, 22.06.2019 09:00
Determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a literary discussion about johnny tremain. provide an explanation for your choices. how did the role you selected and the work you completed you to understand more about the text? support your response with at least two pieces from the novel.
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 14:00
Read the following excerpt from the declaration of independence: when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. the history of the present king of great britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations to prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. he has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. how do the authors of the declaration best use deductive reasoning to support the idea that the colonists have a right to form a new government? o a. they first establish the widely accepted belief that governments derive their power from the people. o o b. they list the colonists' grievances against the british monarchy, starting with the king's refusal to "assent to laws." o c. they first establish the idea that declaring one's intentions is a decent and expected measure. o d. they follow his initial statement by pointing out that the colonists do not take these measures lightly.
Answers: 2
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Hat is the theme that is developed in the passage? A. It is important to remain hopeful despite cur...
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