English, 06.05.2021 22:40 TonyHaas07

I promise to answer honestly! :>

I promise to answer honestly! :>

Answers: 2

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 15:00
Which of the following sentences below uses the simplest and clearest language? a. library cards are not too hard to get, but they aren't too easy to get either. b. some libraries have a lot of rules to follow for filling out the forms. c. library cards make it possible to read books all year long. d. once you get the application, you can figure it out.
Answers: 1
English, 21.06.2019 21:50
Rev. simon hosack] entered fully into the feeling of suffering and sorrow which took possession of me when i discovered that a girl weighed less in the scale of being than a boy, and he praised my determination to prove the contrary. which best describes society's view of boys' and girls' abilities during the period in which elizabeth cady stanton lived?
Answers: 2
English, 21.06.2019 22:00
Shape 1 and shape 2 are plotted on a coordinate plane. which statement about the shapes is true? a. shape 1 and shape 2 are not congruent.b. a translation will prove that shape 2 is congruent to shape 1.c. a rotation and a translation will prove that shape 2 is congruent to shape 1.d. a reflection, a rotation, and a translation will prove that shape 2 is congruent to shape 1.
Answers: 3
English, 21.06.2019 22:40
In “we wear the mask,” which message is conveyed by dunbar’s repetition of the phrase “we wear the mask”?
Answers: 3
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I promise to answer honestly! :>
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