Engineering, 06.03.2020 21:16 ijohnh14

A zener diode exhibits a constant voltage of 5.6 volts for currents greater than five times the knee current. Izk is specified to be 1 ma. the zener is to be used in the design of a shunt regulator fed from a 15 volts supply . the load current varies over range of 0 ma to 15mA . find a suitabe value for resistor R. what is the meaximum power dissipation of the zener diode.

Answers: 1

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An ideal otto cycle with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 8. the minimum and maximum temperatures in the cycle are 300 k and 1340 k. use constant specific heats at room temperature to determine (a) the amount of heat transferred to the air during the heat- addition kj/kg, (b) the thermal efficiency, and (c) the thermal efficiency of a carnot cycle ope limits. process, in rating between the same temperature
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A-mn has a cubic structure with a0 0.8931 nm and a density of 7.47 g/cm3. b-mn has a different cubic structure, with a0 0.6326 nm and a density of 7.26 g/cm3. the atomic weight of manganese is 54.938 g/mol and the atomic radius is 0.112 nm. determine the percent volume change that would occur if a-mn transforms to b-mn.
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You know the right answer?
A zener diode exhibits a constant voltage of 5.6 volts for currents greater than five times the knee...
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