
Maria teaches a class called 'English As a Second Language' in an elementary school. What task might Maria perform as part of her job?
researching to find videos that feature basic English
O coordinating the school bake sale with parents
updating the school's online calendar
O checking books back into the library system

Answers: 2

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 12:50
When is it most apprpriate for a development team to change the definition of done
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 16:50
Develop the program incrementally: a) start by reading and displaying each line of the input file to make sure you are reading the data set correctly. b) use the split string method to extract information from each line into a list. print the list to prove that this step is working correctly. d) convert the exam scores to type int and calculate the student’s average. display those items to prove this step is working correctly. e) create a tuple containing the six items for each student (name, exam scores, exam mean). display the tuples to prove this step is working correctly. (optionally, you may want to have the exam scores in a list so your tuple is (name, scores_list, f) append each tuple to a list. display the list to prove this step is working correctly. g) use the sort list method to re-order the tuples in the list. display the list to prove this step is working correctly. h) use a for statement to display the contents of the list as a table (with appropriate formatting). i) use a for statement to calculate the average of all scores on exam #1, then display the results. note that you could have calculated this average within the first loop, but we are explicitly requiring you to do this calculation by looping though your list of tuples. j) add the logic to calculate the average of all scores on exam #2, then display the results.
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 22:50
Which of these might be an example of an advertiser's target group? a.people who have no access to media b.people the advertisers know nothing about c. people who watch a variety of tv shows d. people who live in the same region of the country
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 25.06.2019 03:00
1. how do you view the edited document without the track changes markup? a. select accept all changes in document in the accept drop-down menu.b. click on restrict editing in the protect group.c. click on the reviewing pane drop-down menu in the tracking group.d. click on final in the display for review drop-down menu.
Answers: 3
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Maria teaches a class called 'English As a Second Language' in an elementary school. What task migh...
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Mathematics, 20.08.2019 05:30
Mathematics, 20.08.2019 05:30
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