
One way of communicating hexadecimal color codes is in the following way: #RRGGBB. The first pair of numbers represents the red color value (R), the second pair represents the green color value (G), and the third pair represents the blue color value (B). Sometimes a simplified color code scheme is used that follows this format: #RGB. In this format, only the first digits of each color component from the original format are used (#RRGGBB).
How many fewer colors are represented using this color code scheme (#RGB) as compared to the original format (#RRGGBB)?
a. 16^3
b. 16^6-16^3
c. 1/2(16^6)
d. 8^6

Answers: 2

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Write a program that inserts the digits of an integer into an array in originalorderfollowed by reverse order. first, promptthe user to enter a positive integer(> 0). determine the number of digits of the integer. create a dynamically allocated integer arrayof a size twice the number of insert the digits in original order which will occupy half of the array. then, insert the digits in reverse order.finally, output thedigits in thearray.use at least two functions to organize your program.
Answers: 3
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One way of communicating hexadecimal color codes is in the following way: #RRGGBB. The first pair of...
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