
A contractor orders, say, 30 cubic yards of premixed concrete to construct a patio that is to be, say, four inches thick. The length of the patio is to be, say, twice the width. Write a program that prompts the user to specify: The amount of premixed concrete (in cubic yards) ordered The thickness of the patio (in inches) The ratio of length and width Ex. If the ratio is 3 to 2, have the program accept a 3 then a 2. Then compute the ratio using these numbers

The program then outputs:

The length and width of the patio (in feet). (1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet.) To find the square root of a decimal number, include the header file cmath using the statement #include, in your program. The function sqrt, included in this header file, determines the square root of a decimal number. For example, sqrt(16.0) = 4.0.)

Answers: 1

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 08:10
Ihave a music player on my phone. i can buy songs, add them to playlists and play them. obviously it would be redundant to store each song in each playlist; each playlist is just a list of pointers to the songs. for this lab you will simulate this behavior. your program will need to have options to: add songs to the system library (you will store the text of the first line of the song, rather than the audio) add playlists add songs to a playlist list playlists play a playlist list all of the songs in the library with a count of how many times each song has been played remove a song from a playlist remove a playlist remove a song from the library (and thus from all playlists that contain it) note that we will not be checking many error cases. in real programming this would be bad, you should usually try to recognize and respond to as many types of errors as you can. in the context of class we are trying to acquaint you with as many concepts as possible, so for the sake of educational efficiency we will not be checking most errors in this lab, you may assume that your user provides correct input. you may add all appropriate error testing if you wish, but we will not be testing for it.
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 20:10
Assume that minutes is an int variable whose value is 0 or positive. write an expression whose value is "undercooked" or "soft-boiled" or "medium-boiled" or "hard-boiled" or "overcooked" based on the value of minutes. in particular: if the value of minutes is less than 2 the expression's value is "undercooked"; 2-4 would be a "soft-boiled", 5-7 would be "medium-boiled", 8-11 would be "hard-boiled" and 12 or more would be a "overcooked".
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 23:20
How can you tell if someone sent you a text message to your email instead of a email
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 01:00
Petrică, tânăr licean în clasa a ix-a, a primit în dar de la părinţii săi un cont bancar pentru micile sale cheltuieli curente. el este pasionat de internet banking şi îşi verifică cu grijă toate tranzacţiile efectuate. pentru creşterea securităţii tranzacţiilor online, banca îi furnizează lui petrică un număr pe care el va trebui să îl modifice, obţinând un număr tan – număr de autentificare a tranzacţiei (transaction authentication number). regula de obţinere a numărului tan este următoarea: se formează cel mai mic număr par din toate cifrele numărului furnizat de bancă. cerinţă cunoscând numărul n furnizat de bancă, să se determine numărul tan obţinut de petrică. date de intrare fişierul conţine pe prima linie numărul natural n cu semnificaţia din enunţ. date de ieşire fişierul de ieşire tan.out va conţine o singură linie pe care va fi scris numărul tan cerut. restricţii • 0 < n < 18*1018 • n are cel puţin o cifră pară • numărul tan obţinut nu poate conţine zerouri nesemnificative
Answers: 2
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A contractor orders, say, 30 cubic yards of premixed concrete to construct a patio that is to be, sa...
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