Business, 22.05.2021 07:20 natem725

2 printing machines of a printing house can complete the printing work of the required number of exit in mathematics textbook in 20 days after printing the books for 8 days if one more machine was added in how many days will the remaining work be finished​

Answers: 2

Another question on Business

Business, 21.06.2019 16:30
Which type of data does your company collect from customers or potential customers? a. positioning datab. market share datac. primary datad. secondary data select the best answer from the choices provided
Answers: 1
Business, 21.06.2019 19:50
Which of the following best describes the economic effect that results when the government increases interest rates and restricts the lending of money? a. borrowing money becomes more expensive and there is less investment in production. b. the economy grows as investments result in larger profits. c. government spending drives up prices because of greater competition for goods and services. d. consumers save more money and spend less buying goods and services.
Answers: 2
Business, 22.06.2019 21:10
Match the terms with their correct definition. terms: 1. accounts receivable 2. other receivables 3 debtor 4. notes receivable 5. maturity date 6. creditor definitions: a. the party to a credit transaction who takes on an obligation/payable. b. the party who receives a receivable and will collect cash in the future. c. a written promise to pay a specified amount of money at a particular future date. d. the date when the note receivable is due. e. a miscellaneous category that includes any other type of receivable where there is a right to receive cash in the future. f. the right to receive cash in the future from customers for goods sold or for services performed.
Answers: 1
Business, 22.06.2019 22:50
For 2016, gourmet kitchen products reported $22 million of sales and $19 million of operating costs (including depreciation). the company has $15 million of total invested capital. its after-tax cost of capital is 10%, and its federal-plus-state income tax rate was 36%. what was the firm’s economic value added (eva), that is, how much value did management add to stockholders’ wealth during 2016?
Answers: 1
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2 printing machines of a printing house can complete the printing work of the required number of exi...
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