Business, 21.09.2020 02:01 wendelljo61

Paul is a teenager who makes money washing cars. He has 200 cars he needs to wash each week. His weekly revenue from washing cars is $8,000. If manual car-washing supply kits are used, a worker can wash each car in an hour. If power-washing supply kits are used, a worker can wash each car in 30 minutes. Paul hires other teenagers to help him. Their labor is supplied inelastically at $10 per hour. Each teenager works two hours a day and five days each week. If Paul decides to have his workers use manual supply kits, how many manual supply kits will Paul rent and how many workers will he hire

Answers: 1

Another question on Business

Business, 22.06.2019 20:00
Acompetitive market in healthcare would a. overprovide healthcare because the marginal social benefit of healthcare exceeds the marginal benefit perceived by consumers b. underprovide healthcare because it would eliminate medicare and medicaid c. underprovide healthcare because the marginal social benefit of healthcare exceeds the marginal benefit perceived by consumers d. overprovide healthcare because it would be similar to the approach used in canada
Answers: 1
Business, 22.06.2019 20:40
Consider an economy where the government's budget is initially balanced. the production function, consumption function and investment function can be represented as follows y equals k to the power of alpha l to the power of 1 minus alpha end exponent c equals c subscript 0 plus b left parenthesis y minus t right parenthesis i equals i subscript 0 minus d r suppose that taxes increase. what happens to the equilibrium level of output?
Answers: 1
Business, 22.06.2019 21:20
1. what are the unique operational challenges to delivering fresh meals? 2. why is speed of delivery so important for delivered meals? what variety of options contribute to this performance metric? 3. how could operations management concepts be utilized to improve the performance of freshly? 4. what are your typical product delivery times? what would be required to speed these up? 5. what are your delivery batch quantities? how could you reduce batch size and reduce delivery cost simultaneously using operations management concepts?
Answers: 2
Business, 23.06.2019 08:50
Walking through the grocery store, ramon sees a "buy 2, get 1 free" deal on laundry detergent. even though he currently has plenty of detergent he decides to take home all three bottles. ramon's decision seems to have been based mostly on his immediate need for the detergent the low price of alternative brands the limited income he presently earns the sale price offered for the detergent
Answers: 1
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Paul is a teenager who makes money washing cars. He has 200 cars he needs to wash each week. His wee...
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