Biology, 18.11.2019 23:31 cecem58

What is dna and how can we check our dna

Answers: 3

Another question on Biology

Biology, 21.06.2019 20:30
The collared lizard is a species found in the desert southwest. male collared lizards show considerable color variation, ranging from brightly colored to a very dull pattern. your goal is to determine the function, if any, of male color patterns in collared lizards, using the scientific method. your tentative explanation is that male color plays a role in attracting females for mating purposes. you predict that females will preferentially choose brightly colored males over dull-colored ones. to test this prediction, you observed the interactions of female collared lizards with their male counterparts. you selected males that were the same age and size, and that differed only in their coloration pattern. you placed equal numbers of the two types of male lizards, bright and dull, in aquariums, along with one female lizard per aquarium. out of 350 aquariums observed, the female chose to mate with the brightly colored male 277 times, and the dull-colored male 70 times. in 3 instances, the females did not mate with either type. create a bar graph of your data, plotting the type of male (dull or brightly colored) on the x-axis. on the y-axis, plot the frequency with which each type of male was chosen by females. using this graph, answer the following question(s). is it reasonable to conclude (i.e., is it supported by the data) that female collared lizards prefer more brightly colored male lizards over dull-colored males?
Answers: 3
Biology, 21.06.2019 21:30
Kelly ran electricity though a sample of water using electrolysis. the water changed into two gases, x and y. it was not possible to break down the gases x and y into simpler particles.
Answers: 3
Biology, 22.06.2019 01:40
Elephants in the savanna regions of africa dig holes in dried up river beds to reach water lying just below the surface. these holes provide drinking water for other animals as well. so, without the elephants, many animals might otherwise die from lack of water during the dry season. the location in which the elephants live is an example of a/n and the role they play in creating water holes is an example of a a) ecosystem; habitat b) community; niche c) habitat; niche d) niche; habitat
Answers: 1
Biology, 22.06.2019 07:30
Answer ! in your opinion, what are the limiting factors that might affect the growth or diversity of our ecosystem? respond to this question in claim, evidence, reasoning format. 1. make your claim (i are the limiting factors that might affect the growth or diversity of our 2. follow the claim with 3 pieces of evidence. evidence may be taken from the reading, the videos, previous lessons, or googled answers. site sources, too. 3. use reasoning to explain why you chose your evidence.
Answers: 2
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What is dna and how can we check our dna...
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