
Marla is eating dinner with Tyler, when suddenly a loud sound comes from behind her. A waitress has fallen to the floor and shattered all the dishes and glasses everywhere. People scrambled to help the injured waitress. Marla’s heart was pounding and she didn’t notice that a piece of glass cut her arm Until Tyler pointed in out with concern. Use the following terms to help explain Marla’s experience. Extravert
Adrenal Glands
Inattentional Blindness
Olfactory epithelium
Classical Conditioning
James Lange theory of emotion
Rosy Retrospection

Answers: 3

Another question on Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced Placement (AP), 24.06.2019 22:30
"all the world's a stage" is a saying that draws a parallel between two totally different concepts: reality and drama. this type of comparison, made popular by a group of seventeenth century poets, is called: metamorphosis. metacognition. metaphysical conceit. metaphor. metaphysical poets.
Answers: 1
Advanced Placement (AP), 25.06.2019 03:30
When you can't determine who arrived at an intersection first, yield to the vehicle a. closest to you on the left b. closest to you on the right c. across from you d. with the largest wheelbase
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Advanced Placement (AP), 25.06.2019 14:00
Compare the objectives and strategies of organized labor and populists for challenging the prevailing economic beliefs and practices of the ''gilded age.''
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Advanced Placement (AP), 26.06.2019 11:00
Because justin misses a few car payments, his car can be repossessed by mechanic? loan holder? insurance company? warranty company? i'm pretty sure it's the loan holder, not 100% sure though : ) in advance!
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Marla is eating dinner with Tyler, when suddenly a loud sound comes from behind her. A waitress has...
Chemistry, 12.12.2019 07:31
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